eLearning Papers: 7. hefti komið út

7. hefti eLearning Papers kom út fyrir nokkru. Að þessu sinni er eLp helgað samræðu milli menningarheima en árið 2008 er einmitt tileinkað þessu þema í Evrópu. Heftið inniheldur sex greinar sem taka á málefninu með ýmsum hætti í samhengi upplýsingatækni.

Úr ritstjórnarpistli:

The year 2008 has been declared as the European year of Intercultural Dialogue. One of our authors pertinently outlines: “This is but one sign of the growing awareness of the need to reflect on the multicultural dimensions of our society and work actively at overcoming the gaps and fear that often exist between people of different cultures”. Therefore, eLearning Papers wants to contribute to the reflection on this theme. Above all we want to emphasise the importance that ICT have in the process and the added value that e-learning can offer ...

Articles in this issue address the challenge of interculturality in lifelong learning. Researchers from the University of Murcia write about how the appropriate use of ICT in educational contexts allows maintaining the cultural characteristics of a community. Claire Bélisle describes in her article how cultural embeddedness applies to learning theories as much as teaching models. Chiara Pozzi, from the University of Milano, shows us an e-learning project for teachers carried out in Kenya. The article describes the national and local context as well as how culture mediates between the individual and the technology. Mokhtar Ben Henda illustrates in his article e-learning standardisation initiatives and procedures, as well as their outcomes and perspectives.

Besides the intercultural theme, we include two other articles. The first one, written by Sandra Schaffert and Guntram Geser, describes current open educational resource initiatives. The issue comes to its end with Nicolò A. Piave's article on rapid e-learning used as an informal education tool.


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