eLearning Papers -- 6. hefti komið út

6. hefti eLearning Papers er komið út. Að þessu sinni er þemað rafræna, félagsleg dreifing (eInclusion) og rafrænt nám. Heftið inniheldur fjórar greinar.

Úr ritstjórnarpistli: 

Following the Riga Ministerial Declaration of June 2006, an important ministerial event is scheduled to be held in Lisbon the 2 and 3 of December 2007 exclusively dedicated to analyze eInclusion signals and the intensification of political and policy actions (like the “2008 eInclusion initiative” and “i2010”) aimed at promoting the Knowledge Society.

eLearning has an important role to play in these agendas, for example through promoting digital literacy and fostering eSkills. Furthermore, eLearning should play a decisive role in broadening access of otherwise excluded groups to lifelong learning.


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