eLearning Papers -- 5. hefti komið út

5. hefti eLearning Papers er komið út. Að þessu sinni er fjallað um safélög á netinu eða Communities of Practice (CoPs) -- þar á meðal grein um eTwinning eftir Anne Gilleran hjá Evrópska skólanetinu: eTwinning - A New Path for European Schools.

Úr ritstjórnarpistli:

The notion of Communities of Practice (CoPs) has come a long way since it was coined in the 1990s. The advent of technology has meant that communities can be increasingly distributed and niche communities can be developed as people with distinct interests seek out others across the world to advance their knowledge and understanding of a domain.

This edition of eLearning Papers focuses on four distinct CoPs that have been fuelled by the use of electronic community building tools


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