eLearningveršlaunin 2007

Landskrifstofan vekur athygli verkefnakennara į eLearningveršlaununum (ekki žaš sama og evrópsku eTwinningveršlaunin):


The seventh eLearning Awards competition is now open and schools are invited to submit entries for the eLearning Awards 2007 that exemplify the best use of ICT in education. Entries are welcome from schools or teachers in EU Member States, EEA Countries, EU Applicant Countries as well as Switzerland and Israel. Entries can be made from now until 31 October 2007 online at http://elearningawards.eun.org

The aim of the competition is to promote the use of ICT in education and to encourage schools to collaborate. A gallery will showcase on the eLearning Portal contributions from all around Europe. This year’s sponsors include Young Digital Planet (Platinum sponsor), Intel, Interwrite Learning, Promethean (Gold sponsors), MICHAEL and Telefónica O2 (Bronze sponsors).
Prizes (cash and equipment) will be awarded in categories highlighting best practice in the use of ICT in the areas of:
o      School of the future
o      The e-safe school
o      Promoting digital literacy
o      Creativity (arts)
o      Foreign languages
o      Sustainability (environment)
o      Maths, science and technology
o      Social networking for collaborative learning.
A detailed list is available on the eLearning Awards portal at :


Entries will be judged by a panel of experts and the winners presented with their prizes at a prestigious event on 6th December at the annual EMINENT Conference in Brussels, to be opened by Jan Figel’, European Commissioner for Education, Training and Culture.
About European Schoolnet
European Schoolnet (www.europeanschoolnet.org – www.eun.org) is a unique not-for-profit consortium of 28 ministries of education in Europe created in 1997. EUN provides major European education portals for teaching, learning and collaboration and leads the way in bringing about change in schooling through the use of new technology. 

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